My dogs are barking.
On this early Saturday morning.
Gosh, February is near!
And I still haven't written here.
January entries, too personal
To be seen in this OPEN journal.
So let me start,
By NOT trying to be smart.
Oh, words, please come out from your cage.
And help me fill this page.
Hahaha. I'm having fun now.
In making lines rhyme somehow.
The birds are chirping;
And I'm just typing.
I hear thunder.
Will there be rain? I wonder.
Now, I'm really having fun
Even if there's no SUN.
My stomach is grumbling.
But it's too early to be feasting.
Pandesal... pandedal, shouts a passing boy.
Not too loud, boy, or my wife you will annoy.

Gem is still asleep,
So I'll set my text TONE to a beep.
Oh, what a hectic week!
Glad I was not sick.
Damn, why the need
To be on lightning speed?
Is it a must,
To always run fast?
Or is going out of town
Wearing me down?

I guess, The hardest part
Would be not to take part.
Because if I just stand still
There wouldn't be any thrill.
So the biggest question to ask today:
Will there be an American Idol replay?
And our dogs are barking.
On this wonderful Saturday morning.