My first blog was created more than two years ago. But I forgot its log in ID and password. Darn. Now that blog is floating aimlessly in cyberspace. (
My second one was made about a year ago, at first, to put all those wonderful tidbits I am finding from the net --- videos, music, stories, photos and others. But it slowly evolved into a personal journal and became a private blog, sealed from the outside world and supposedly for my eyes only until, of course, Gem started peeking at it. However, a lot written there were not so private after all.
Hence, this third attempt! Starting today, entries in my private blog, which are not too personal to shout to the world, will also be posted here.
We are on different journeys, you and I. Sometimes we make brief stops and marvel at others as they go on with their travels. You are making that momentary stop now and briefly intersected with my journey. So cheers to you fellow traveler.

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