After months of procrastination, I'm starting to clean the storage room. It's all there: bills, important documents, books, hammer (there you are), notebooks, Christmas cards, birthday cards, expired meds, receipts, a slipper, a deodorant, etc.
I found this note given by Gem on August 28Th, 1995 -- tucked inside Richard Bode's First You Have to Row a Little Boat. It was written on a half-sheet, white bond paper.
Each of us
by Danielle Steel
Each of us, with our secret gifts,
lovely potions, lovely notions
Waiting to be aired, waiting to be shared.
Each of us, a half, a whole,
a mind, a soul, a heart,
And yet, a part of a better, richer, more.
Looking for the door, the key, the You, the We.
Growing day by day, looking for the way
To find what I’d always dreamed but never seen.
Always tried but never been.
Always thought but never knew.
Until at last,
I discovered
that the gift
I always sought
was YOU….
August 28th

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